I'm trying to configure a hyperlink to launch our property system from ArcGIS Online based off of property ID, it used to work from using the following in the attribute table:
<a href = pathway://xxx/xxxxx/maintain?enquiry=1&tpklpaprop=104609>Click here </a>
However that now launches another map viewer in the browser, and does not work anymore,
I have tried the following in the arcade element pop-up:
Hi @Kbray_gis_ ,
Have you seen the UrlEncode example in the ArcGIS Arcade documentation? I think it might let you achieve what you are looking for:
Hey @JackHardy thanks for getting back to me and sending that through, I had seen the UrlEncode function, however when I do use that it still wont hyperlink out, just passes it back as text unfortunately, attached is an example of what is returned, I feel like I'm missing something quite basic,