I have created a Tile Layer from a Tile Package (tpk) created from ArcMap 10.4.1.
The mxd from which the TPK was created from has a point layer with labels turned on.
These labels have a scale range which shows them only when zoomed out beyond 1:5000.
I can confinrm my labels appear only when zooming in more than 1:5000 in the mxd.
I cannot see them in AGOL however. I tried different ways of publishing the Tile Layer, but none solved the issue so far:
All I get is a Tile Layer with everything showing fine except I don't see any label at all.
I am on Italian language setting in my AGOL. Could this be the problem? I had another issue (not related to this one) which was caused by the Language setting.
Will try to change language and will come back to this if I resolve.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I attach the tpk (in the original post) and the link (here) to the tile service to hopefully give someone the possibility to further investigate on this problem. Maybe I am just missing something simple, but i just can't really tell why labels are not showing up. I also tried with another mxd with a different layer but with the same settings and the labels do show up... Hope this improve the chance to get help. thanks in advance!
link: https://arcg.is/1ey1mT
I've downloaded your TPK and used the GP Tool Extract Package in ArcMap to examine your TPK. The tiles don't have labels in them, which is what I expected as tiles in TPKs are built in desktop. So, we can eliminate publishing to AGOL as a problem. For some reason, the tiles were not drawn when the tiles were created. It looks like the the layer definition indicates that labels should be drawn. Having said the above, I don't know why labels were not drawn. Maybe there's some configuration step you're missing?
Thanks Mike Minami for the feedback. Indeed, I saw from the rest page of the tile service that labels should be drawn, and it is good that you pointed out it is not a problem related to AGOL. I will further investigate into the problem and come back to this thread with some news.