We have a Hosted Table in ArcGIS Online, originally created from an Excel file. It has been working great for weeks now. Yesterday, on opening the item we get a simple error message saying "There was an error". If we click the 'x' then the next message is "There was an error publishing the service".
We are aware of the following:
The workarounds are going to be painful. We need to store the master data in one place. There are ids that allow us to filter the data into multiple groups. Therefore, we have multiple hosted views which splice this table into those groups. At least one application is configured to consume each hosted view.
If we use the workarounds offered, then we will have many views to recreate and applications to create, with a large emphasis on permissions as well.
We have tracked the 'issue' to this web call:
the response to this is:
"status": "failed",
"statusMessage": "null",
"itemId": "{guid}",
"jobInfo": {
"jobId": "2702e708-b035-47e3-83bb-59d1cd924326",
"jobType": "publish",
"jobUrl": ""
From this we can see that a republish has failed. We updated the hosted table from ArcGIS Pro to have an additional field. The errors start occurring immediately after.
I have reviewed the AGOL (developer) API, and I can see the status and publish pages, but I cannot see a way to delete the jobid that has failed.
Is anyone able to help? The idea of recreating the Hosted Layer, views, apps, permissions is ridiculous. There has to be a better way!(?)
For further context. If we log in as a none-admin user, then we get the correct response. We can consume the service via ArcGIS Pro, we can edit rows, we can add fields. All of this flows through as expected. Our biggest problem is that we need to create more views and we can't.
We're happy to work with API calls, but cannot find a way in.
Solved! Go to Solution.
How many views and apps did you make in a week for this to be an issue?
I think much better to undertake the known effort of recreating or swapping your view sources. There are tools, workflows, user interfaces, python, all for this.
Publishing layers from xlsx or csv can cause a range of issues. I'd be a lot more comfortable properly fixing the issue - publishing a new table from Pro - than continuing to work with a known buggy table where the issue may manifest again in future.
Yeah - I'm not big on CSV or XLSX as a source, so I'm glad you concur - thank you. I've just emailed the team and said new business rule - fGDBS only.
We're on 4 views and multiple apps at the moment - but this was just the beginning.
I hadn't realise you could do the swap view source, that is excellent news - thank you.
Republishing from fGDB now.
Really appreciate your help and quick response.
An interesting couple of hours. So when you upload a XLSX and create a Hosted Table, there is no spatial reference. It's just blank in the rest service catalogue view. If you upload a zipped fGDB and publish, the hosted table has a spatial reference of 102100/3857.
When you got to swap the source for the view, you are blocked because the spatial references do not match.
The spatial reference for the XLSX based service does not respond to the addToDefinition in the admin view, and equally the fGDB based Hosted Service does not respond to removeFromDefintion operation.
State of play, can't change the views over to the new fGDB based service, can't change either service.
I'm going to wait to see if anyone else has any ideas but I've learnt alot about AGOL today, which I rarely touch. Thanks again for the input, much appreciate and great ideas.
Sorry, I'd missed this last response. We rebuilt from scratch with file geodatabases. We're up/running and moving forward now.
It's just a shame. You would think that when you publish from CSV, XLSX or GDB, that it would copy data into a 'standard' hosted feature service and they would all behave the same from there on in. 😞