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Is there any way to encrypt data before uploading to ArcGIS Online?

07-04-2017 04:13 PM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

We have a client who is concerned about data transfer security when uploading to ArcGIS Online.

I know AGOL uses https, but they questioned whether there was any further way to encrypt the data before uploading it. 

E.g. a password protected zip file.

Does anyone know of a way to upload an encrypted data file (at this stage the question is general - i.e. csv, fgb, shape file, whatever) in such a way that AGOL can decrypt it and use it?

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2 Replies
MVP Emeritus

Paul... first link on this issue, but you are probably looking for something more specific. Encrypting actual files is pretty well a no go since anything can be decrypted given time.  Can't the base data be anonymized in some fashion without losing the context?

and you have probably seen this in the help

which references...

arcgis-online-security and other links

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Thanks Dan, I'll pass these links on. It's pretty much what I expected.



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