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Information Lookup template search issue

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12-13-2016 02:54 PM
Occasional Contributor III

I'm trying to configure the hosted Information lookup app with my data. Im searching for an address against my parcel layer, and I have configured the app to show the popup in the side panel.

For some reason,  the search window is not getting fully populated with the address that I select from the suggestion list. I believe this is also causing the issue with the information panel returning more than one record. A 30 minute configuration is taking me days as I try to figure the issue with my configuration.

Has anyone else run into this issue?

Here's the map if you want to see the issue... , Information Lookup 

Thanks in advance!

Please see my attached image.

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27 Replies
Esri Contributor

We have logged a bug for this issue "the search window is not getting fully populated with the address that I select from the suggestion list."  its targeted to be released with the February release of and the javascript api.

In my testing i didn't see any functional problem related to this, i was able to successfully navigate to the feature i selected from the suggestions list.

Mike do you think the info lookup could be returning two results in the example provided by June because the serviceAreaLayerNamesSelector, the search source, and the searchByLayer are all the same layer id? 

this the end goal of this app to find an address and then report the other layers that intersect the parcel in the popup or just to find the parcel?

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Esri Frequent Contributor

Yes it could, if the search by layer is in the look up layers, any features touching it will be returned, as in the case of a polygon/parcel, the neighboring features will be returned.  

So if you are trying to find information that intersects the parcel, do not include it in the lookup layers.

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Occasional Contributor III

Ian- thanks for logging the issue as a bug.

Which setting is the serviceAreaLayerNamesSelector- the "Lookup Layer"? Should I be pointing to different layers for each on of these configurations?

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Esri Frequent Contributor

Set the parcel layer Lookup Layer - Lookup Layers section

Do not set it in the Search By Layer settings

Enable it in the Search Settings, so it shows in the search dialog.

If you set it in the search by layer settings, the feature in here is used to perform the lookup against the layers in the lookup layer section

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Occasional Contributor III

Michael -

I cleared out the "search by layer" setting, but I am still getting the multiple results in the info panel. I have the same parcel layer in my web service. Parcel Boundary is visible, Parcel-Address is the same layer, but turned off and used for the search. This is my web service eZoningAGO (FeatureServer) 

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Occasional Contributor III


Use  "1635 Faraday Av" as the address to search.

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Esri Frequent Contributor

Is this what you are after?

Information Lookup 

The animation is just an animated gif, I use camtasia

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Occasional Contributor III

Why does it return 2 records? and the real issue is that "1635 Faraday" is listed at the bottom. I would like it to return 1 record or at best return the selected address at the top of the info window.

If not possible then I will just create the locators like you originally suggested.

Thanks you for all of your help!!!

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Esri Frequent Contributor

Maybe a screen shot would help.  Are you getting two results in the panel or in the locator?  

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Esri Frequent Contributor

Ok, I was able to repo it, only on the first time searching for the item though.  We will look into it.  You could use the parcel point for the search by layer and then the parcel in the lookup layer.  This is a workaround for this issue.

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