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Inconsistences viewing web map on iPad

12-11-2012 11:28 AM
Emerging Contributor
I attached two screenshots.  They are both taken from my iPad.  Both maps url is  When I open this map on the web browser of my iPad sometimes it opens in the mobile optimized screen and sometimes it open in the desktop screen.  I can�??t figure out why.   When you first open this map on some Android phones it opens up with the normal looking web map and when you press refresh on the Android browser it will go into the mobile optimized version. On my iPhone everything works perfectly.  I am using Safari on my iPad2 and I have OS 6.0.1 installed.  Why is this happening? Which way is it supposed to display on tablets?
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5 Replies
Esri Contributor
I believe this issue has been logged as the following bug:

NIM085528 - On a mobile browser, clicking web map links in Google searches results in varying and inconsistent behavior.

I realize that description is slightly different than your workflow, but it's the same idea. There is inconsistent behavior on mobile devices when opening web maps in a mobile browser (instead of the ArcGIS for iOS or Android apps).

This bug has been rejected as a known limit, but I believe there is a plan to address it at some point in the future. Someone else may be able to elaborate on that.
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by Anonymous User
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Original User: mikem

The iPad should open on the normal brower view, not the mobile optimized view.

So, on the iPad, once it opens in a particular view, it doesn't switch views, right? How did you open the map, were you opening from Google, like the previous post mentions?


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Emerging Contributor
I have and iPad2 and am using a Safari browser.  The iPad will sometimes open in the normal browser and sometimes it will open in the mobile optimized view.  When it opens in the normal browsers I can sometimes just refresh the browser and it will switch to the mobile optimized view, and sometimes it won�??t. I have tried all sorts of things to find consistency in why and when this is happening but I can�??t figure it out. 

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by Anonymous User
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Original User: jesterjace

I'm seeing other inconsistencies when viewing web apps.  Here are two screenshots from Chrome and the iPad of the same web app.

Chrome (desktop)

iPad Safari (same in Chrome app)

In the Chrome screenshot you can see the normal tools from the Basic Viewer located between the legend toggle and the search box.  In the iPad screenshot they are hidden.  I say hidden because sometimes if you double-tap in just the right spot the buttons will appear although they don't appear to be fully within that border.

The initial extent is also different, although that's less of an issue than the lost functionality from the missing buttons.
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Frequent Contributor
My last post reported missing buttons in the Basic Viewer web applications when viewed on the iPad.  As of this first week of 2013 the buttons are back in both Chrome and Safari. I don't remember an iOS update between the two dates so maybe ESRI updated AGOL.  Either way...
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