Is anyone else having issues with URL logos not showing up in AGOL app templates? The only thing we have changed recently is that our organization went to a HTTPS page rather than HTTP. When you click on the image of the broken image link, the correct logo does appear though.
Please help!
When you right click on the logo and choose inspect, is it trying to use the http urkl instead of the https url for the logo? What template are you using specifically?
It is seeing the logo as HTTPS. It is just a simple map viewer we are trying to put together for the time being.
Are there any errors in the browsers web console?
There are no issues with the browser. I have tried it with Firefox and Chrome. I even uploaded the photo to AGOL and used that link, but it didn't work.
I am not asking if there is an issue with your browser. I am asking if the browsers developer tools (F12) web console is reporting any errors for this web page.
There are errors in the developer tools, but I am not sure if any of them pertain to the logo issue.
If you post a screen shot of those I can tell you.
That is the logo issue.