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I can upload a web service to my personal AGOL account from ArcGIS Server, but not to my organization.

10-21-2014 11:55 AM
Emerging Contributor

I can upload a web service to my personal AGOL account from ArcGIS Server, but not to my organization. Is there a common setting or procedure that I need to change/follow? Occasionally I am able to add the item as a service, but even after AGOL allows me to add it to my organization's contents, it does not work. The service works, however, with my personal account. I thought it might have something to do with permissions at first, but I am our organization's administrator for AGOL. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

So you are adding a reference to a service on your arcgis server to your My Content? And it works in your personal account but not in your organizational account? The only thing I can think of is that your organization has SSL enabled (My Org, Edit Settings, Security tab). If your org is HTTPS and your ArcGIS Server is http, requests can get blocked by a browser because they are not https.



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Emerging Contributor

Thank you for your response Mike. I figured this out the other day, and it was that SSL was enabled. I should have posted something. Thanks again!

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