Is there a way to snap endpoints using Chome or another browser on ArcGis Online using a Mac Computer?
Have you tried using the "CTRL" key to enable snapping on your mac? I'm using Google Chrome on Mac and that seems to work for me. (see image)
It doesn’t work on my Mac in Chrome. I tried using Safari and it works! Thanks
For Chrome on Mac, try using the "Command ⌘" key instead of "Control" key to snap, that seems to work for me as well.
Not sure why, but that doesn’t work either. Thank you for the assistance.
I still cant get it to work in Chrome on Mac. I’ve even tried adjusting the keyboard configuration. Let me know if you have any other ideas. Thanks
One more thing... please confirm your Mac settings for "Keyboard/Modifier" keys are set with the correct modifiers. (hope that works!)