I have a hosted feature layer which I enabled the function to add new point on Map Viewer. When I add a new point, it automatically ask me which value I want for one of my field (the owner). I'd like to change that first field for another field that match the legend (what kind of work we need to do).
How do I do?
After the layer is added in Online, to change the field that shows in the Legend go to the Properties of that layer in the TOC, click on Styles in the vertical toolbar on the right side, and select the "+Field" button to choose the field you want shown in the Legend.
This will create a unique symbol for each element distinguished by the Field you select.
That's what I already did, but that's not the problem.
My legend is showing unique symbols for one of my field. But when I want to add a new feature, it ask me to select from three values from another field (not the same as the legend). Why? How can I change this?