I want to get the ESRI demographics like population, median income, etc. for a city...in this case the city of Phoenix?
I want to enrich it or get a number out of AGOL or BAO somehow?
Hi @JayLarsen,
If I understand correctly, you want to enrich a layer with demographic data. To get started in Map Viewer,
Click Analysis,
Search the analysis tools for Enrich,
and select the layer (Cities) you want to enrich.
Then you can select the demographic info you want.
Check out the ArcGIS Online Help documentation on for information on the Enrich layer tool https://doc.arcgis.com/en/arcgis-online/analyze/enrich-layer-mv.htm
You'll need the proper permissions and credits to use the Analysis tools.
Hope that helps!
Actually, I knew about the enrichment process, I'm quite an experienced user.
What I didn't know was that the Living Atlas had a good layer for US cities, that would have the proper FIPS # for the area.
This layer was good for the boundaries, and carried the correct FIPS for city of Phoenix.
USA 2020 Census Population Characteristics - Place Geographies
The numbers tied out with the source table, so all was good.