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Hi, I need to copy Map service which is created in ArcGIS server 10.1 (sp1), to another ArcGIS server (10.1 sp1) machine. I am trying to do this process manually by copying service file from C:\arcgisserver\config-store\services and C:\arcgisserver\directories\arcgiscache and *.JSON files. Service can read by new machine but cannot start the service. So please give a direction that how can i do this work.
Hi, I need to copy Map service which is created in ArcGIS server 10.1 (sp1), to another ArcGIS server (10.1 sp1) machine. I am trying to do this process manually by copying service file from C:\arcgisserver\config-store\services and C:\arcgisserver\directories\arcgiscache and *.JSON files. Service can read by new machine but cannot start the service. So please give a direction that how can i do this work.
In our case we had to copy from
ERROR: Service failed to start, Machine: myServer.COM [null]
Also we developped some tool to do that in a more automatic way :
GitHub - eea/discomap.ServiceTransferTool: Transfer tool
Others tools
Will your transfer tool work with two different versions of server? I would like to move services on 10.1 to a new 10.3.1 server.
We did several test (not these exact versions) and it was working
Edit #2: I got it to work. See my summary information at the end.
Hi Sebastien,
This thread is about 8 months old now, but thought I would see if you monitor it at all. I downloaded the ServiceTransferTool from github and was trying to see if I could go from an AGS 10.2.2 machine to AGS 10.4.1....but have tried running both in Desktop 10.4.1 (on server) and my local Desktop 10.3.1. I had to comment out the import of pymssql and the writeinDatabase function, but that looked like it was something more internal to eea, so I don't think that matters.
However, I am getting an error
My arcgisserver service directories are on the D drive, so it seems to be getting that info, but it should probably b "d:\\" ...not error is not showing the ":". I've been trying to work backwards to see where this is being pulled from, but haven't found it yet. Although I have a utility that looks at the config.json file for this info, so maybe this is doing the same (and I just haven't found that yet).
The attributes I am entering:
my input includes:
<sourceServer> 6080 <admin> <adminpass> MapServer <checked services, public ones> <targetServer> 6080 <admin> <adminpass> <blank> \\<targetServer>\<shareToD>\<newfoldername1> OverwriteIsChecked \\<targetServer>\<shareToD>\<newfoldername2>
for the systemTemp and backupTemp I am putting in "\\<targetserver>\<shareToD>\<foldername>" ..I was putting this as the target is support to be the source?
....I notice that my mxd is not in the root of the service, but in a subfolder \extracted\v101 ..maybe that is a remanent from the 10.1->10.2.x migration ??
For what it is doing, I do not think the error has anything to do with 10.4.x
If you have any insight I would appreciate it. It looks like a useful tool if I can get it to work for our site.
Thanks for any help.
Edit: getting closer. I had to change a few lines to have it take my server name in the path to the services .mxd location...still need to work on that to make it more automatic, but it does find the mxd now. If running on a 10.3.1 again the target 10.4.1, it would crash I'm assuming because it doesn't like the versions being different. So running in Desktop 10.4.1 on the target server...with about 5 patches, including the publishing patch.....I can get to Step 4 but the service will not publish (although it thinks it was successful, per a message. I need to go investigate this next.
This is the new error I am getting:
SUMMARY (Resolved)
Wanted to give a summary of what I did to get this to work. I tested on a 10.4.1 AGS server, pulling from a 10.2.1 AGS server.
After all that, my 4 "public" test services (have not tested secure services yet) worked.
Only other issue, which is an internal things, as I was getting ssl certificate errors/warnings. I just closed the popup and it continued. This is a self-signed cert, with "10dot" addresses...that is, something that network services has for our internal servers. I've given up on trying to have them get rid of the error, since things work for my test environment (just annoying).
Hope this helps someone down the line. My procedures my not work specifically but may help with debugging. Have fun.