I'm noticing that maps and apps with hosted feature services are still performing really sluggishly - anyone else noticing this? I'm assuming this is a continuation of the service issues identified for hosted feature services yesterday.
Mine is better than yesterday, but seems there are still some intermittent issues.
yep, that is my sense also!
You are not alone! Problem still exists. Hit or miss with any hosted feature created by me.
Same here. Everything is painfully slow.
I just chatted with support and there is another issue stemming from the original.
From my chat with ESRI support a few minutes ago.
A new incident regarding Hive 8 has been logged and is currently under investigation.
It seems a part of the issue was solved, but a new one appeared and is causing the same symptoms.
Still seeing it in Pennsylvania
It went from slow the past couple of days to not working at all today.
Does anyone here have hosted feature layers tied to Experience Builder Search widgets? If so, are the Search widgets populating correctly for you?
It is going to continue to be weird until this is completely resolved. Pay attention to: https://status.arcgis.com/
This also goes for interaction with widgets.