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Finding points within polygon

03-28-2024 06:23 AM
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor


Good Morning, I am creating a dashboard that is linked to this map here. Ultimately the dashboard is working off the one-point layer that I update daily every morning. I have a buffer in miles that ranges from .5, 1, and 1.5 from the center of the purple polygon layer. My boss is wondering if there is a way to find how many points fall within just that purple boundary as well as the points that fall into each buffer. I explained that while this can be done the fact that I am doing this daily running the summaries within/select by location analysis will create a new layer and it will project wrong information within the dashboard widgets. I know that on the dashboard you can draw a circle to encompass an area and do it that way but there is no way to select that polygon (purple layer). Does anyone know away to do this?

Thank you!


2024-03-28 09_08_17-Crime Dashboard.png

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4 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

In Dashboards the simplest way to do this will be to:

  1. Add an indicator with the point feature service as input and return count
  2. Add an action filter to the polygon to filter the points based on the selected polygon

You can also do something using Arcade to return a feature set in the pop-up or a widget e.g.

(thanks to @jcarlson )


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Emerging Contributor


Thanks for the reply. I believe I understand your answer but could you point me towards any tutorials that describe the first two options?



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MVP Regular Contributor

You need:

  • Element supporting actions 
  • Map
  • Indicator or other widget

The above has a related guide using table. You could use the polygon table as your input. Suggest playing around once you've got your data in there and looking for the Action > Filter (spatial).

New Contributor

Hi Aden,

Did you find a way to do this?



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