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Finding Item ID from Feature Layer for python toolbox tool

01-04-2023 12:18 AM
Labels (2)
Emerging Contributor

Hi, I'm trying to create a python tool with an ArcGIS Pro toolbox front where a user can select an item from their portal as an input and the tool exports the data to geodatabase and downloads it for them as a zip file.

The script works fine when I set the input to be a string and manually enter the Item ID, but I would like the user to just be able to select a feature layer as the input and for it run in the same way.

When a user selects a feature layer from "My content" the input is read as the url of the rest etc.

Is there anyway I can ascertain the Item ID of that feature layer using python, which is what I need for the rest of the script to run?

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1 Reply
Emerging Contributor

This seems like such a simple question/request...but nobody has an answer 🤷🏻‍

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