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Hi. This is probably staring right at me, but can anyone explain to me how the map option "Find Locations by Layer" works? I've set something up in a web map configuration, but I can't figure out what I'm supposed to see in the map. Or please point me to some documentation that explains it in more detail than the "Set map options for apps" help page.
Currently, only Explorer for ArcGIS supports this
At our next update in July, map viewer and the Collector for ArcGIS will support it.
At our next update in July, map viewer and the Collector for ArcGIS will support it.
I am really excited to finally get to use the new Find Locations by Layer functionality in Collector, but cannot figure out how to enable my web map to be searched. I'm running Server 10.2.2 and ArcGIS Desktop 10.2.2. I published a feature service and toggled Mapping (Data/Map/Query) and Feature Access (Create/Delete/Query/Update) as I was creating it. I created a web map on ArcGIS Online, opened the Edit window, and found the Routing, Measure Tool, Basemap Selector, and Find Locations options at the bottom of the screen. I checked Find Locations, checked By Layer, unchecked By Address, and typed in some Hint Text. I can see from Esri documentation and forum postings that Add Layer is meant to pop up at this point so I can select the layers and the attributes I want to search, however nothing pops up at all. Additionally, when I Save and then open the Edit window again, it has unchecked By Layer and reverted back to By Address.
Any thoughts?