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Features still generalized after zoom

04-18-2013 01:49 PM
Occasional Contributor
I created a web application from an existing map, and after i open a popup window for a feature and use the zoom to function, the features (trails in this case) are still very generalized.
What do i have to do in order for them to render properly?


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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
One question for you...why are you accessing each layer individually from your map service?  For example, you have this layer referenced in your app: "". However, if you reference it as "" you'll get all the layers at once. Since you're running your own web application, you can turn off the unnecessary layers.

The main difference between adding layers from a map service individually vs adding the entire map service as a whole is how the features get drawn. When added as a whole, the server creates an image of all the layers drawn together and returns that to a client, like a web browser. When added individually, the server sends the actual geometry of each feature down to the client for the client to draw. From a performance perspective, it's probably faster to do the drawing on the server.

So, getting back to your issue, the reason that the feature is not drawing smoothly is because when you click on a feature when zoomed out, the geometry of that feature the browser has at that point is a generalized geometry. Clicking Zoom to, we're not sending a new query to that feature to get the geometry for the zoomed in scale. The reason being is that the feature is highlighted. This is a bug we have logged. If you simply dismiss the popup, the next time you zoom, the feature should draw smoothly.


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Occasional Contributor
Thanks Mike!

I will follow your advice and reconfigure the map.
I appreciate your quick response and explanation.

So long,

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