Hi Guys, I'm fairly new to ARCGIS online and I was wondering how I create my own Legends. For my project I'm trying to map out different types of parking types (Handicap, Reserved, VIP, etc. etc.). I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction as I'm struggling to find where to create/edit legends and how to do so. If anyone has any tutorials, I would be happy to view those as well.
Are you just wondering how to change symbology in a web map? You can't really format the legend the same way you can format it in ArcGIS Pro/ArcMap in a layout.
Hi Katherine,
I am trying to create my own legends and add my own symbols for each parking type into my web map. I'm also curious how to create my own fields for each symbol. I want one symbol to have it's own fields such as: Cost per space, owner, type of parking spot etc. etc.
Sounds to me like you can just have the one parking spots layer with all the fields you need in it, and then symbolize based on the parking_type field. This documentation might help...
I think that's ultimately what you're asking to do....if you are wanting to really customize a legend (i.e. font size, color etc) that is only done within layouts in ArcPro or ArcMap.
Yes, I wanted to really customize a legend. I will have to get access to ArcPro. I will also take a look at the information you provided and see if that helps in the meantime. Thank you very much, I appreciate any input I can get as I'm learning this by myself.