Hello everyone,
I've built up a whole Experience app with data layers from ArcGIS Server web services that I imported into ArcGIS Online. Since all these web services were publicly shared on my server at first, everything was imported into AGOL without any credential needed.
Eventually I had to secure these web services and edit permissions so that only authenticated users could access them. This results in a window prompting for user's credentials when opening the Experience app, which was expected.
My question is: is there a way to edit an item, which is already published in AGOL, to add and save credentials and avoid being asked for them each time we open the app? I have an up and running viewer account on my ArcGIS Server which can serve that purpose.
Or do I have to import each item once again to be able to save these credentials at the same time? This would mean having to rebuild the app and its components which would take a lot of time, I would appreciate not to do that as much as possible.