I have an Experience Builder app that needs to have polygons symbolized by a graduated color scheme, but the catch is, the field that the values are based on will change over time. So I can't set a maximum value of "5", for example, because eventually the values will exceed 5. It needs to just be "the highest value" is red, and between 1 and "the highest value" is a graduation of colors between green and red.
The data involves municipalities with a survey and a layer with the Counts of Surveys field is used for the symbology. So as more surveys come in, the symbology needs to update the municipalities with a gradient color scheme showing more surveys = red, less surveys = green, and a gradient of colors in between. That's why the upper limit can't be a defined value.
Is this possible?
Have you left the max value to auto and not messing with it and then adding data to see if it is dynamically changing it?