I duplicated a webmap that was used for data collection this past summer, with the intent of using the duplicate for this coming summer’s collection season.
I need to make a few changes as follows:
-First, several of the layers will need to be queried so that last year’s points don’t show up. I was just going to perform a definition query to accomplish this.
-Second, a particular attribute field in one of the layers will need to have a domain list added to it.
-Third, I’ll need to add a couple of new attribute fields to one layer to accommodate additional questions that will be added to the form (specific to this year’s data collection, and not on last years).
All off these changes will be performed in ArcGIS Pro, with the obvious exception of updating the Form with additional questions.
I have done some of the above changes, but when I’m about to click on [Save Web Map] after making these layer changes I notice the popup says, “The data layers in your map will be published as new web layers.”
So, my question is will this affect the functionality of the webmap I duplicated it from?
Thanks much in advance for any replies.
I think that publishing new layers is the best workflow here. If you publish these changed layers as 'new' web layers, rather than 'overwrite' existing layers on the web, then no, they should not affect the existing layers nor the previous map, since it still references the previous existing layers.