So I've been working with ESRI tech support regarding issues with relationship classes in Server, and in ArcMap for that matter and they ultimately said they reproduced the issue and logged bugs, but if that is the case then that means that no one out there has a working relationship class and I find that hard to believe. So I'm here to see if others have the same issues or not.
I am using 10.3.1 versions of ArcMap and Server and my data is in a SQL Server Express EGDB.
I have a feature class, a table and they are related via a 1-M relationship class. I have a feature service with these layers included. I need to be able to add related records (inspection reports) to the feature class via Collector, which is connected to Portal. I also want to be able to do this through my Flex application.
If I create the relationship class WITHOUT attribution:
If I create the relationship class WITH attribution:
So my question to everyone is, do you have working relationship classes at all? In desktop or Server? I'm fairly certain the answer is yes but need to ask! If so, what configuration do you have that differs from my own?
I find it hard to believe that this is a bug since it would mean no relationship classes for anyone, but this is what I've been told and am stuck.
Any thoughts on what the issue could be?
Can I ask you what you mean by "WITH attribution" and "WITHOUT attribution"? I'm having a heckuva time with relates in ArcGIS Online.
There's a checkbox in the tool that asks if you want it attributed or not.
It has been awhile since I did this (and the end of the day today) but I believe I solved my issue with a very silly (and infuriating) thing. Turns out using the create relationship class tool in the toolbox kept causing all of these issues but when I used Catalog and right clicked a GDB and chose new->relationship class, it worked out fine, as expected. I pulled my hair out for a long time till I figured that out.
Hope that helps.
Just an FYI on Collector and relationship classes