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Data layer Shared internally (Owner & Organisation) BUT still accessible to Publiic on ArcGIS Online

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New Contributor

HIho all

Using AGOL, classified all data layers for internal / organisation use only. No public data. So therefore not visible to the Public.

The problem when I use ARCGIS Pro and I search ARCGIS Online, one of our organisation's data layer is visible when it shouldn't be.

I have checked their settings in my AGOL


This is from ArcGIS Pro


The weird thing is that if I remove the NIOT prefix from the data layer title in AGOL, the data layer is no longer visible (in Public).

If its something simple ... then I am sorry in advance 🙂 

Cheers Hoani





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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

I am quite sure you are the only one who can see this layer in the ArcGIS Online section in ArcGIS Pro. As you are the owner of the layer, you have access although it is not shared. You can see that the symbol for your layer is different from the other layers that are shared publicly (person vs. globe).

If you want to double check the sharing level, you can always log out of ArcGIS Online (or use an InPrivate/Incognito Window) and try to access the layer in ArcGIS Online in a browser.

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