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Dashboard - compare transaction figures with the previous year.

02-09-2024 01:28 AM
Labels (1)
New Contributor

I work with ArcGIS Online and would like to compare transaction figures with the previous year.
The data source contains the data from 01.01.2023 until now.
The data structure looks like this:
Location, event date with time, ID, event type
I would like to evaluate the following in the dashboard:
1. indicator
Comparison of the number of IDs in the current month with the number of IDs in the same month of the previous year. (This means comparing January current with January previous year).
For the indicator, however, I can only select "last month" or "last year" for the reference / filter event date to display data from the last year.
2. row chart or list - I would like to display the 10 different locations in a cross table (row). Locations in a cross table (row, see Excel), the months (columns) and the number of events should be displayed in the body.
Can I display a crosstab in the dashboard from an Excel (CSV) table?
I would appreciate your help.
Thanks Chris

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Hi Christian, 

You may be able to accomplish some of your results with advanced formatting. I am not sure how familiar you are with expressions. I included some documentation to get you started or inspired. 

Get started with advanced formatting in ArcGIS Dashboards

By navigating the community, I also found this post you may want to follow the developments, if you haven't done so already. 

Data comparison by adjustable date

Best Regards,


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