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Custom basemap control - UK data

06-09-2023 03:41 AM
Frequent Contributor


I'm just starting to investigate the APGB WMTS with a view to creating a custom basemap control in AGOL consisting of some of these layers combined with the OS APIs. So far, I've taken a quick look and seen that there are 184 (!) layers exposed via the WMTS service.

I'm sure I'm not the first person to look at this.  To save reinventing the wheel, I wondered if anyone has done something similar and would be willing to share their experience / best practice / documentation?

I've had a rummage, but the only thing I have found is this blog post from 2020: Using the APGB service from ArcGIS — CommunityHub (, which isn't very detailed.

I've logged a call with ESRI UK too.

Thanks for your help,
Cornwall Council

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