Hello everyone,
I have a workflow question that requires assistance. I'm facing a problem involving two tables of points: an old table displaying pond locations based on Google Earth information and a new table with pond locations based on surveyed data.
Both tables contain valuable information, and my goal is to create a composite table that combines all the data from both sources. However, there's a complication: the two tables use different, sometimes similar pond ID numbers. To identify which pond corresponds to a point in both tables, I need to visually determine it based on proximity and other data within the two tables.
The ultimate objective is to have a composite table that includes all the information from the old and new tables.
If I were doing this in Excel, I would copy one table, add all the fields from the other table, and use the Index and Match function. I would enter the ID number from the other table into this new table, and Excel would "pull" in the data into the corresponding columns. However, due to the large volume of data (around 20,000 entries in each table with about 20 fields in each table) and the fact that the ponds have to be visually "linked" between the tables, Excel isn't practical.
From my understanding, using ArcGIS Online's Experience Builder, I can create an editable table that an intern can work with. I do not wish to use the web map part of ArcGIS Online because I have a few widgets set up in Experience Builder that need to be displayed at all times. Therefore, I need to do this within Experience Builder.
So, how should I set up everything to achieve my goal of a composite table? I'm open to the idea of modifying one of the tables, let's say the new data table, to include all the fields from both tables. Then, the intern could enter the old data table's ID number, and the data would be "pulled" into the correct fields, similar to Excel's Index and Match function. However, I'm uncertain if this is possible within ArcGIS Online. So, what is my best option here? How would you approach this?
It's worth noting that I don't need the data to appear instantly in my composite table. If it's necessary to use ArcGIS Pro's Model Builder to run on a set time interval to facilitate data integration between the tables, followed by uploading the merged data to ArcGIS Online, that would work for me. I'm primarily seeking workflow suggestions on how to achieve my desired outcome of a composite table by only entering the ID number from one table and having all the data pulled in, linked, or otherwise connected to allow me to create a composite table of points.
What would your suggested workflow be?
Your best new friend is the SQL-style JOIN command. It literally does everything you need.
Good to have some of the table join lingo...right/left and inner/outer mid...
Now just imagine if those lazy slacks at MSFT would put a JOIN command in Excel at last....