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Create Watershed and Trace Downstream Tools Not Working

10-26-2022 08:25 PM
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Emerging Contributor


I was running through the Watershed GeoInquiry in AGOL and the Create Watershed and Trace Downstream tools no longer work in Classic Map Viewer.  Everything runs as normal, but the Adjusted Points and Watershed feature layers no longer show anything, essentially, there are no results.  I have tested this in two different organizations with the same result.  This is quite frustrating as I was planning on using these tools with my students.  I could not find any similar posts with answers.  I hope this is a simple fix.

Thank you, 


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3 Replies
Emerging Contributor

Update:  The feature layers do contain information, but when I create a dropped point in Massachusetts, the resulting adjusted points and watershed showed up in Africa.  This is also true for the Trace Downstream tool. As this is a tool I am using to teach my students about watersheds and rivers, it would be greatly appreciated if there anyone knows of a fix.

Thank you, 


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Esri Contributor

Hi JoshuaKing,

Could you please try running the tool using a layer created from a shapefile? In other words, upload your data, publish it as a feature layer and use it as input to Trace Downstream or Create Watersheds tools.

There seem to be some coordinate system mismatch when using dropped points that is leading to having the output trace line or watersheds mapped at an incorrect location.

Please let me know if this works for you.

Thank you,


Tania Lopez-Cantu
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Emerging Contributor

Hi Tania, 

I ran the Create Watershed tool using a feature layer and the tool did work for most of the points, but not all.  Unfortunately, this would not be a solution for our us, as we are following the steps in the GeoInquiry and the students are selecting positions relative to where they are from by dropping a point.  Altering the workflow and creating feature layers for a point would be pushing the limits of these particular users and not the best use of class time, as content is the focus, not their GIS capabilities.

I am curious if the mismatched coordinate system issue when dropping points is something that would be addressed in an update or if the Map Viewer Classic tools are even being updated.

Thank you, 


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