Looking to see if anyone else has ever come across a scenario where you want to create an ArcGIS Online Join View Layer where one of the participating layers is another view layer.
Basically, I have polygon layer (with an ID field) and a S123 table with a number of different "cost" attributes, total cost attribute, vendor name, work order ID, etc. (one attribute being the polygon ID field). As it stands, I have successfully been able to create a Join View layer between the polygon and S123 table to generate "total costs per polygon" values, but I would like to include additional resolution to this data by separating the "total costs per polygon" by additional attributes (vendor, work order ID, etc.). As far as I can tell, in order to facilitate that within ArcGIS Online I would need to create a view of the S123 table to filter for those specific attributes and then join the view to the polygon layer, but unfortunately at this time ArcGIS Online does not allow a view to be used in a join view layer operation.
I want to keep the operation within the ArcGIS Online environment (without creating a separate hosted feature layer) so that when new S123 submission are added, the Join View polygon layer will also update.
Am I missing something in ArcGIS Online or within ArcGIS Pro? Are there other solutions for what I am trying to accomplish?