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Create Feature from Existing, Forms Copy but not Symbology?

02-13-2024 06:01 PM
Labels (2)
New Contributor

Hi ArcGIS Online Community!

I have worked up a Hosted Feature Layer with several layers within each with Forms, Symbology, and Pop-Ups established. The goal is to use this layer as a template to create data collection layers for separate projects. The workflow would be to "Create a Layer from Existing" with all established forms, symbology, pop-ups, etc transferred. I have established the symbology and pop-ups within the Visualization tab for the layers and saved the Forms to the layer rather than the map. 

When I Create a New Layer from Existing, Form info seems to be carried over to the new layer but the Symbology does not. But it's not quite as simple. Some symbology information appears to carry over but not correctly. Some layers show as you might expect new unedited layers to appear, default symbology. However, one of the layers has the same symbology as one of the other group layers, not the correct layer. Screenshots provided below.

Original Layer (TEMPLATE):



New Layer (TEST)



So it looks like the TrackLog Symbology carries over. The Orange Rectangle was, at one point, the symbology for the Generic Points. So something is getting crossed in the process. The layer appears the same without it being added to the map and just looking at it within the visualization tab. 

Does this make sense to anyone? Any ideas on a fix?


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1 Reply
Emerging Contributor

Hey there! I ran into the same issue recently.

I have created several other data collection layer templates for archaeological surveys in the past and never had an issue with symbology not carrying over. Not sure if this is a solid work around or if it just worked for me this one time but when I went to create a new feature layer on AGOL, instead of choosing "select an existing feature layer" I chose "Provide an ArcGIS Server Layer URL" and copied/pasted the Server layer URL from my template feature layer and all symbology and pop-up info transferred from how I set it in the visualization tab.

Not sure why that worked or if it'll work every time but just thought I'd share. Hope this helps! 

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