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Collaboration AGOL to Enterprise

07-26-2024 03:31 AM
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Regular Contributor

I have set up a distributed collaboration between our ArcGIS Online and Enterprise. This is all fine and I can see the workspace and group in Enterprise, however when I add a new workspace and group to the collaboration within AGOL I can't see these in Enterprise, why is this?

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Frequent Contributor


So, collaborations are created in AGOL first and do not sync groups, only group content.

You can do the prop work in Ent first, like creating your group and sharing your content, however, you then must go into AGOL to create the collab. Obviously you must have your group setup in AGOL too.

Create the collab and do the process of sending the invite file, then in Ent accepting and sending back the response file.

After that, in your setup, ensure you have the right direction of travel for the data. If you want AGOL to have the same data as Ent, then it's a receive - and obviously the other way around too.

Just remember, there's some components, understandably, that won't sync - such as apps and such.

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