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Change the name of my organization

10-22-2022 01:21 AM
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Regular Contributor

I am a student version user and when I first purchased the original arcgis, I entered the name of an organization and I now wish I could change the name of that organization, but I can't find the relevant portal.

The red boxed area obscured by the mosaic in the picture is the current organization name, but I want to change it. Please help me thanks.



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6 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor

There are a couple of things that you can consider, one is a minor update the other has more significant implications.

To change the name of your organization, you can go to Settings > General and change the name of your organization. This is easy and low-overhead, all you are doing is changing the name - not the URLs to your content.

The other option is to change the URL to your organization and its content.

This is a lot more problematical as it potentially impacts anything you've publicly shared. I've done this twice in organizations with not a great deal of content, and it still required a significant amount of post-change curation. 

Name is easy and without significant implications, shortcut not so much. So I'd recommend if you just want to change the name to do the former, not the latter.



Esri Frequent Contributor

The above said, I know _nothing_ about student versions and any special considerations you might need to think about with your student version. I'd recommend contacting your University administrator to check into any other considerations you might need to think about. Plus, many "student versions" are regularly purged after your classes are over - another reason to check with your University site administrator.


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Regular Contributor

Thanks for your reply.

I bought the Arcgis myself, so I am the adminstrator, but I didn't find the location of Settings > General, I changed the name of contact,  I can't change the name of organization.



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Esri Frequent Contributor

Looking at your screen capture, it seems you are trying to change the name of your ArcGIS Online orgainzation via My Esri. 

To change the name of your organization you should:

0. Sign in to your ArcGIS Online organization. If you can't remember the URL, just go to and sign in with your organization account.

1. Open the Organization tab at top.

2. As administrator, click the Settings tab

3. Go to the General section

4. Edit the name.


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Regular Contributor

I have changed the name in this page, you can see the URL have been changed, but in the page of My Esri, the name of organization didn't show as this one. Now I am contacting the support of esri to solve this problem.



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Regular Contributor

Did you ever get this sorted? I'm running into the same problem...


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