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Cannot Add Duplicate Field Error in Feature Layer

01-02-2025 03:59 PM
Frequent Contributor


I have an ArcGIS Online Feature Layer that I wanted to add a field to.

I did add a new field, but didn't see that it was added.

Now when I try to add it, I get this message, but again it is not there at all.

Column names in each table must be unique. Column name 'Demob' in table 'db_13096.user_13096.COS_Event_Tracking_Enriched_SFD_LKL' is specified more than once.

Thank you for any suggestions.


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3 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi @MeleKoneya

I am unable to reproduce the error. Can you provide more context such as:  

  • Where did you add the new field (in Map Viewer, the Data tab, Pro...?)
  • What is the field type?
  • Where did you look but not find the new field (the table in Map Viewer, the Data tab, the Fields pane, the Pop-up...) and
  • Where do you see the error message? 
Frequent Contributor


I did open a support ticket but to answer your questions

  • I added the field via the Data Tab
  • It is a string
  • I don't see the new field in Data Tab, Fields Pane, and ArcGIS Pro
  • I got the error message, when I tried to add the field again, because it never show up in the above bullet.

I've never had this one before.




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Esri Contributor

Hi @MeleKoneya

Thank you for clarifying your workflow. Our technical support team will be best equipped to assist you further with troubleshooting this issue.

Best, Emily

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