I'm trying to use time-enabled data such as https://earthobs3.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/Chlorophyll/ImageServer in a Scene. This imagery layer contains 18 years of daily data. In Map or PRO I can animate the data over time, change the date or date range, etc. normally. However, in a Scene, the layer only displays the first day in the data set, and I can't see any way to change that. I'm not aware of a way to subset the layer to a single day in Map or PRO in order to export a desired day as a layer for Scene.
Hi Daren Casey,
You are correct that there isn't a time slider capability in scenes right now; cross posting to ArcGIS Pro and Imagery and Remote Sensing to see if anyone from these communities has accomplished this.
Hope that helps,
Hmm, by swapping SceneView for MapView in this sample:
TimeSlider widget | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.15
I do seem to be able to have an app that will fetch data from different times.
It does not look like the image requests fetch smoothly so that you can get a nice animation, but I was able to use this simple sample to pull in different data for January vs. July.