Hello. I have a hosted feature service in AGOL. One of the layers in the service is a related table. Within the related table we use subtypes.
On one of the 'count' fields in the related table we have set a range domain with a min/max of 1 and 20 (see the screen cap below).
When I try to edit values directly in the Data tab of the Item Details page, the only values i can enter into the input box are 'empty' and the current value (see screen cap below). I've tried to overwrite the number, paste a number in, etc. But nothing seems to work. I can select 'empty' or the current value. And if I select 'empty', i am unable to enter any other value into the input field.
When this same layer is added to a map and the map to a WAB app, I am able to put in any value between 1 and 20, or leave it empty.
Any idea what's going on here?
Hi Kelly Gerrow. I apologize for mentioning you directly, but i havent gotten any responses to my original post. Can you take a look to see if this is a bug, or if i have a setting (or expectation) wrong? Is there more information that you need from me? anything like that.....
Thank you.
Hey Tom,
No problem, feel free to mention us by name if you need help. We try to stay on top of these, but always appreciate a reminder for some that you are still looking for help with.
This doesn't seem right. What editing widget are you using in Web AppBuilder? Additionally, does the incorrect value actually get submitted to the data set? The reason I ask is that the web map and some Web AppBuilder widgets submit edits a different times in the editing process.
Can you either share the web map and app with me, Username = Karate_KElly or get in contact with technical support.
Hi Kelly. Thank you for your reply.
i may need to clarify the problem. Using the WAB editor (the simple one, not the 'smart editor' widget), I get the expected behavior. For a field with a range domain set between 1 and 20 I can select an integer value between 1 and 20.
However, when attempting to edit the same data via the 'Data' tab on the Item Details page of the hosted feature service, i get the unexpected (maybe buggy) behavior. Instead of being able to select (or enter) a value between 1 and 20, the only options in the drop down list are 'empty' and the current value of the field. I cannot select a new value between 1 and 20.
Does that help clarify the problem? It may be that my expectations of the behavior are off. but if we think is a bug i can submit a tech support request.
Thanks again for your help.