I have set up the park locator app on premise. I can see my map and layers on the application but when i search an address and click onit, nothing happens and the buffer function does not work. Same if I just click a location on the map. I have gone through the config file and I believe I have set everything up right. Has anyone else ever had this issue or have any tips for me?
Hi Justin,
Is the app externally accessible? If so, can you share the link?
I would recommend clicking F12 on your keyboard before executing the buffer and see what messages are reported in the Console tab. This should give some indication of where it's failing at.
Thanks for the repose. I did as you suggested and I got some errors. Below is a screen shot of those errors (sorry, small to read). I have also included the url to the app. http://gis.mcleancountyil.gov/gisapps/parklocator/
Looks like you may not have your proxy setup correctly. Take a look at the proxy.config file in a text editor. This is located in your application\Proxy folder. Steps on how to configure this can be found here:
Configure proxy - Park Locator | ArcGIS for Local Government
I have looked at the documentation and the Proxy, I am not really sure what I am doing wrong. But my knowledge in this area is limited. My services are hosted on ArcGIS online. I am referencing a map on ArcGIS online. I have registered my app on arcgis online and put that information in the proxy file. What I am missing?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- Proxy config is used to set the ArcGIS Server services that the proxy will forward to.
mustMatch="true" - to only proxy to sites listed, false to proxy to any site.
logFile="<file with local path>" - if specified, events will be written to the log file.
<ProxyConfig allowedReferers="*"
<serverUrl url="http://yourserver/arcgis/"
<serverUrl url="http://tasks.arcgisonline.com/" matchAll="true">
<serverUrl url="http://www.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/"
<serverUrl url="http://geocode.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/"
<serverUrl url="http://route.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/" matchAll="true"
<serverUrl url="https://api-ssl.bitly.com/v3/shorten"