If you could help me with this I would be extremely appreciative!
I am working in Field Maps
Field staff will make multiple trips to sample sites throughout the year. Each time they stop at a sample site they will need to collect data to a table that has been related to a parent feature.
The parent feature is a point layer called "qPCR_Sites"
The related table is called "qPCR_Samples"
The parent feature has 14 different attributes that should be auto-populated to each collected record. These will not need to be edited and can be hidden.
Field staff will fill out 5 additional fields in the table during each sample session. ( I have this part handled)
I am trying to figure out the expression needed to auto-populate the 14 different attributes from "qPCR_Sites" to "qPCR_Samples".
The first attribute I am trying to tackle is the field "Analyze_for" It is stored as "Analyze_for" in both the "qPCR_Sites" attribute table and the related "qPCR_Samples" table.
Thank you!
Can anyone help me with the appropriate expression?
Hi Aaron,
I am no expert, but this is what I came up with.. let me know if this helps!
// Get the related feature from qPCR_Sites
var parentFeature = FeatureSetByRelationshipName($feature, "qPCR_Sites", ["Analyze_for"], true);
// Check if there is a related feature
if (Count(parentFeature) > 0) {
// Return the "Analyze_for" value from the related qPCR_Sites feature
var site = First(parentFeature);
return site["Analyze_for"];
} else {
// If no related feature is found, return null or an empty value
return null;
Thank you so much for looking into this!
Unfortunately, I am getting
"Test execution error: Execution error - Invalid parameter. Verify test data."
Thank you so much!!!
With your help I was able to get to the following formula which is working for me!
You might also consider setting up Domain rules for the fields of interest in ArcGIS Pro, and providing default values. Those values should auto-populate when submitting new records. If you don't want to republish the whole thing though, this is an interesting approach. Glad to hear it's working out!