Hi All,
I ran into a problem on a larger project that I've been able to reproduce with a very simple project. The issue is with the ArcGIS Online Map Viewer and a simple non-spatial table.
I have added a simple table with one field (along with OBJECTID, GlobalID, and editor fields. The table has traditional versioning enabled. The database is PostGIS.
I published this table by itself to ArcGIS Server 11.2. Enabled Map Service, Feature Service with full editing and sync capabilities.
I exposed the Feature Service to my ArcGIS Online account and created a Web Map with the "new" Map Viewer.
Unlike other feature classes and tables, when I click this table in the Map Viewer the Form button on the right side disappears. I cannot create an edit Form for this table.
Is this expected behavior? This is an issue in my larger project where I have a table that is not related to any other FC's or tables and the same thing happens. I cannot create an edit Form for this table.
Here is the REST service for the simple test if it is helpful: