I have setup an image server and I am trying to style a DEM from an image service in the ArcGIS Online Map Viewer as Shaded Relief. This option does not appear to work and I am trying to figure out why exactly. The Classify style seems to work fine and It seems to produce shaded relief fine when added in ArcGIS Pro.
The service URL is: https://gis-core.sabu.mtu.edu:6443/arcgis/rest/services/DEM_test/ImageServer
Any help would be appreciated.
Not 100% sure and you might have to contact support on this but I did take a quick look at the network traffic and I am not seeing any renderering rules being sent when you select hillshade for your service. If I go to the REST endpoint and use these rules under
Export Image > Renderer rules
The output I see is this
Hillshade is working on this test service however so i am not quite sure the difference that could be causing the above issue
One other thing I noticed in the services was yours has
Service Data Type: esriImageServiceDataTypeGeneric while the sampleserver case is