I have a question related to this. I created a map in ArcGIS Pro and took the time to configure labels using differentiated class labels where I selected the best placement and color corrseponding to the color of the feature. I published it to my AGOL and now the labels are gone, and although I can activate labelling in AGOL, it is very simple labelling (one format for the entire layer and limited choices of placement) and I lost all the work I have done in ArcGIS Pro. Furthermore, I need the differentiated class labelling for my map because it's the only way of knowing what name correspnds to what feature sinsce these are line segments that are connected.
I expected that by publishing to AGOL from ArcGIS Pro I would get the same labelling. Is there any setting that I need to check before I publish to get this? Mike Minami
ArGIS Pro labelling:
AGOl labelling:
ArcGIS Online hosted feature services don't support labels from Pro. You could publish a hosted tile layer, which I believe would contain your labels. You may need to create the tiles locally in Pro first, however. I'm not sure. Another option if you have your own server is to publish a map service to your server. Labels would be supported in this case.
This post above is relevant to this discussion.
hope this helps,
Thank you Mike. It would be great if this AGL hosted features could support this capability, since this is key and it becomes a limitation to have good inline maps.