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ArcGIS Online Feature Service

09-10-2012 12:20 PM
Deactivated User
Feature services, which were previously created and visible, are no longer visible in ArcGIS Online.  They were created using an ArcGIS Online for Organizations account and are no longer visible inside or outside of that account.  The map will zoom to the area of the service, but the symbology and pop-up are not visible. 

I have looked at a number of feature services, created by a number of users, in the same way and none have been visible, except one which is a point feature service.  However, another point feature service, created by our Esri account manager, is also not visible.

Am I missing something or is there a system-wide issue going on here?
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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
Are you using a trial subscription? Has it expired?


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Deactivated User
It appears that it does have something to do with the feature services that were created inside of our AGOL for Organizations account.  We are still using a beta or trial version, while Esri and the State of Maryland finalize updates to add AGOL to the state ELA.  Our beta or trial version has technically expired, however, our account manager restored some functionality in the interim.  I am guessing that this is an isolated capability that was turned off at the end of the beta or trial period.

Thanks for helping me to narrow things down.
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