Looking for documentation on the Allow place finding option. We are working to make our geocoders provide better results to our users. We have this option checked on all of our geocoders. I was thinking of unchecking it to see the results. Can't find documentation on exactly what it is adding to the functionality.
I think place finding lets you look for "landmarks". With the option on, type in Eiffel Tower. It should take you to Eiffel Tower in Paris. Then turn the option off and try it again.
This should be the list of places http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=346ce13fa2d4468a9049f71bcc250f37
Let me know the outcome.
The "Allow place finding" option just allows a user to use this geocoder from the search box. This will not make your geocoder search any better or worse, just enable or disable the use of searching from the search box.