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ArcGIS Dashboard Map Rendering

07-06-2022 08:28 AM
Emerging Contributor

I previously posted about the rendering speed of an ArcGIS Dashboard I am building. I have a lot of species data that I wish to filter and display (at least 586,080 rows) through a relational table in a series of maps in that dashboard (See attached image for example of dashboard with minimal data). This information will be linked as an action in a side panel dropdown where the user can select species, nutrient reduction scenario, etc. However, when I attempt to make these maps from my feature layer with the full dataset (all species and nutrient reduction scenarios that management have requested) it takes forever to render. I did not receive a reply on my previous post so I spent more time searching for potential solutions to improve rendering speed. I can across vector tile layers, which is supposed to improve rendering speed, but you can not change the symbology, filter, etc. once published to your content. 

So I tested this out in ArcPro, creating essentially one of my maps (again see attached image) in ArcPro, with the symbology, filters, and relational tables already defined as individual layers prior to publishing. I think published as a vector tile layer, including a feature layer publication as well. When I open this in ArcGIS online maps only one of these layers is displayed and the table that these layers are linked to with relational tables do not display. Am I going about this wrong? Any tips on the best way to approach this is greatly appreciated! I can also provide more detailed information if needed.

thank you!!

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