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Arcade Expression to Show Related Data in AGOL and FieldMaps Popup from Survey123 Entry

03-07-2023 08:01 AM
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

I am trying to show in AGOL, a Dashboard, and FieldMaps pop ups the last inspection date for an outfall inspection. My crew enters in the data in a Survey123 survey from a hyperlink in FieldMaps. The data from the survey is also input into a related table.  I was trying to follow along with this blog post

but I'm not able to figure out the "//Filter related features by using a common attribute section". I think it has to do with my GUID field relating back to the GlobalID in the parent layer. Might also be that most of the data doesn't have a related entry to it. Below is the expression I have so far:

// Access 'Groundwater Levels Monthly Mean' table as a FeatureSet
var waterLevels = FeatureSetByPortalItem(Portal(''),
"4b21a92f2b38444793cf1ae1192476e4", 3, ['NodeNumber', 'MajorMinor',

// Filter related features by using a common attribute
var globalid = $feature.globalid
var filterStatement = 'parentglobalid = @globalid'

// Related features as a variable
var relatedData = Filter(waterLevels, filterStatement)

// Sort related features by oldest to newest
var relatedDataSorted = OrderBy(relatedData, 'DateCurrent DESC')

// Build the pop-up string by iterating through all related features
var popupString = ''
for (var f in relatedDataSorted){

popupString +=

"Outfall ID: " +
DefaultValue(f.NodeNumber, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine +

"Last Formal Outfall Inspection: " +
DefaultValue(f.DateCurrent, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine +

"Outfall Type: " +
DefaultValue(f.MajorMinor, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine +

DefaultValue(popupString, 'No formal inspection data to show')


I was going section by section with the expression, so this does work and returns values in the field 

// Acess 'Groundwater Levels Monthly Mean' table as a FeatureSet
var waterLevels = FeatureSetByPortalItem(Portal(''),
"4b21a92f2b38444793cf1ae1192476e4", 3, ['DateCurrent'])

return waterLevels

It is when I try the next section where I run into issues. 

Parent layer "Outfalls", showing the GlobalID for NodeNumber WOC_24OF0_00.


Child layer, "DryWeatherScreening" showing the GUID field for WOC_24OF0_00, same as the parent layer's GlobalID.


I have seen some issues of this expression not showing up in Field Maps, but I am ok with that for now. 






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3 Replies
MVP Frequent Contributor

To post code:




You didn't adapt the filter query to your data. This should work:

// Filter related features by using a common attribute
var globalid = $feature.globalid
var filterStatement = 'GUID = @globalid'  // GUID instead of parentglobalid

Have a great day!
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Emerging Contributor

Sorry I didn't know how to add code like that!

I tried this below (excluding the pop-up section for now), and it doesn't pull any values. 

// Access 'Groundwater Levels Monthly Mean' table as a FeatureSet
var waterLevels = FeatureSetByPortalItem(Portal(''),
"4b21a92f2b38444793cf1ae1192476e4", 3, ['NodeNumber', 'MajorMinor',

// Filter related features by using a common attribute
var GlobalID = $feature.GlobalID
var filterStatement = 'GUID = @GlobalID'

// Related features as a variable
var relatedData = Filter(waterLevels, filterStatement)

// Sort related features by oldest to newest
var relatedDataSorted = OrderBy(relatedData, 'DateCurrent DESC')

return relatedDataSorted



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Frequent Contributor

It is returning the related data but as a featureset, you need to parse it out. See solution here:

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