I am looking to implement the new feature of Time Slider in ARC GIS online Beta version. The Time Slider option does not work (as in the option is greyed out). I do have a Time variable in my layer ranging from the year 1920 to 2000's.
Could you please let me know the steps to get it working.
For ArcGIS Pro, see Enable time and visualize the data
For ArcGIS Online (Hosted Feature Layers), Enable time on layers
Hi Jayanta,
Thanks for your help, I was able to figure out the Time slider for ArcGIS Pro. Having said that , I am not able to do it for ArcGIS Online. I am stuck at the below step
In the time properties, click the Layer Time drop-down arrow and click Each feature has a single time field.
I am unable to find the Time properties option in the Layer time drop down. Could you let me know your thoughts on this
Is it a Hosted Feature Layer?
Are you following these steps?
1. Go to Item Details page of the Hosted Feature Layer
2. Scroll down to Layers section > Click on the name of the layer
3. In layer details page > Overview Tab > Scroll down to see "Time Settings". click the "pen" icon to enable the time with appropriate field.