Is anyone able to share any examples of data sharing agreements which they have written for landowners for putting data into a database via Survey123 or FieldMaps into an ArcGIS Online hosted feature layer that will be shared on a public map?
We have developed a database for community users to add thier nature-based solutions through a pipeline from an idea to a delivered solution. We are in the process of writing a data agreement which landowners can sign before sites are added to the map and are displayed as being located on their land. I.e if they have received funding then a condition of this funding is that they agree to the location of the asset to be displayed on a public map and us also sharing a view of this data with some government agencies.
Esssentially, a user will log in e.g. a project officer will log in and add data into a map of any opportunities in the landscape for nature based solutions. The ideas will initially be hidden and then once they are approved by the landowner so they will be visible in a public map when the project goes live.
https://nfm-theriverstrust.hub.arcgis.com/pages/progress-dashboard this is the map as it is currently.
I think there must be examples of other users of Survey 123/ArcGIS Online who have done this - we would appreciate if we could view what others have already created if anyone is happy to share this.
Thank you,
GIS Analyst @ The Rivers Trust