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AGOL Assistant updates web map layer URL

10-26-2022 01:01 PM
Labels (3)
Regular Contributor


So I'm relatively new to using the AGOL Assistant but recently tried replacing data sources for some web maps. I updated the URLs using AGOL Assistant to the correct data source's URLs. However, those changes aren't being reflected in the web maps when I checked them in AGOL. They continue to show the old deprecated WFS data.  Any suggestions for what I might be doing wrong or is going wrong? Thanks in Advance

AGOL Assistant newbie

1 Reply
Frequent Contributor

There's a few places where this could've gone wrong:

  1. Do your changes remain if you retrieve the map's data in the assistant after saving? (This is the "View an Item's JSON" option)
  2. When you look in the "operationalLayers" section of the JSON does the layer have an itemId as well as a url property? If there's both you may have to update the itemId as well, or remove it if the service is now coming from outside your Portal's catalog, or add if if the service is now coming from the catalog.
  3. You mentioned "WFS", was the previous service also a WFS or was it an ArcGIS Feature Service? If the service types changed you might have to make further additions to the JSON definition for that layer, I haven't used OGC services in my org so I'm not sure if the structure is different.
  4. If you get the url for that layer from the JSON and then add a new layer from that url, does it point to the correct data?