Adding related table to ArcGIS Online feature layer

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01-08-2019 10:26 AM
Regular Contributor

I'm trying to figure out how to add a relationship class (related table one-to-many) to a feature layer within AGOL. I do not have ArcGIS Desktop or Server (do have QGIS but I don't think that will help here).

The only info I was able to find led me to believe that it may be possible by editing the service definition JSON but I can't find any reference as to how to edit it to make it work.

What are my options here?

Also, is viewing/editing/adding to related tables supported in AGOL web apps yet (not just Collector)?


73 Replies
Esri Contributor

Pl. provide me with some info and I can double check. What API you are calling, applyEdits, etc,?

I see the layer has the relationship set correctly. 

0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor

Background - Feature layer is related to the table (table was created in Survey123 Connect in order to get the bind type of GUID) based on GlobalID and GUID.  Feature layer will be an existing set of features that now need maintenance records (hence the related records table).

Ideally,  it would be used in Field Maps and/or Collector.  Which currently do not push the related record back though it shows the table is there as a related record table.  Which then I would assume would also so in any web maps.  Web map has the see related records box checked.

Not sure what else I can share with you.  If you need something else please let me know because if this can be figured out this a game changer for lots of people.


Here is the JSON for the service:


"adminServiceInfo" : {
"name" : "rrtestv5",
"type" : "FeatureServer",
"cacheMaxAge" : 0,
"status" : "Started",
"database" : {
"datasource" : {
"name" : "db"
"currentVersion" : 10.81,
"serviceItemId" : "fabfe8d3af784fb7a16cc3942bd1bedf",
"serviceDescription" : "",
"hasVersionedData" : false,
"supportsDisconnectedEditing" : false,
"hasStaticData" : false,
"hasSharedDomains" : false,
"maxRecordCount" : 2000,
"supportedQueryFormats" : "JSON",
"supportsVCSProjection" : false,
"supportedExportFormats" : "csv,shapefile,sqlite,gpkg,filegdb,featureCollection,geojson,excel",
"capabilities" : "Create,Delete,Query,Update,Editing,Sync",
"description" : "",
"copyrightText" : "",
"spatialReference" : {
"wkid" : 102100,
"latestWkid" : 3857
"initialExtent" : {
"xmin" : -10064729.121092074,
"ymin" : 5558924.3042244306,
"xmax" : -10005952.429953229,
"ymax" : 5578801.8141854359,
"spatialReference" : {
"wkid" : 102100,
"latestWkid" : 3857
"fullExtent" : {
"xmin" : -10064729.121092074,
"ymin" : 5558924.3042244306,
"xmax" : -10005952.429953229,
"ymax" : 5578801.8141854359,
"spatialReference" : {
"wkid" : 102100,
"latestWkid" : 3857
"allowGeometryUpdates" : true,
"units" : "esriMeters",
"supportsAppend" : true,
"supportsSharedDomains" : true,
"supportsWebHooks" : true,
"supportsTemporalLayers" : true,
"layerOverridesEnabled" : true,
"size" : 16384,
"syncEnabled" : true,
"syncCapabilities" : {
"supportsAsync" : true,
"supportsRegisteringExistingData" : true,
"supportsSyncDirectionControl" : true,
"supportsPerLayerSync" : true,
"supportsPerReplicaSync" : true,
"supportsSyncModelNone" : true,
"supportsRollbackOnFailure" : true,
"supportsAttachmentsSyncDirection" : true,
"supportsBiDirectionalSyncForServer" : true
"supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds" : true,
"supportsReturnDeleteResults" : true,
"supportsLayerOverrides" : true,
"supportsTilesAndBasicQueriesMode" : true,
"supportsQueryContingentValues" : true,
"supportedContingentValuesFormats" : "JSON, PBF",
"supportsContingentValuesJson" : 2,
"editorTrackingInfo" : {
"enableEditorTracking" : true,
"enableOwnershipAccessControl" : false,
"allowOthersToQuery" : true,
"allowOthersToUpdate" : true,
"allowOthersToDelete" : false,
"allowAnonymousToQuery" : true,
"allowAnonymousToUpdate" : true,
"allowAnonymousToDelete" : true
"xssPreventionInfo" : {
"xssPreventionEnabled" : true,
"xssPreventionRule" : "InputOnly",
"xssInputRule" : "rejectInvalid"
"layers" : [
"adminLayerInfo" : {
"tableName" : "db_42239.user_42239.rrtestv5_POINT_LAYER",
"geometryField" : {"name" : "Shape"},
"xssTrustedFields" : ""
"id" : 0,
"enableUseOfScaleOutReplicasWhenEditable" : true,
"name" : "Point layer",
"type" : "Feature Layer",
"displayField" : "",
"description" : "",
"copyrightText" : "",
"defaultVisibility" : true,
"editFieldsInfo" : {
"creationDateField" : "CreationDate",
"creatorField" : "Creator",
"editDateField" : "EditDate",
"editorField" : "Editor"
"editingInfo" : {
"lastEditDate" : 1629315116344
"relationships" : [
"id" : 1,
"name" : "myRel",
"relatedTableId" : 1,
"cardinality" : "esriRelCardinalityOneToMany",
"role" : "esriRelRoleOrigin",
"keyField" : "globalid",
"composite" : true
"isDataVersioned" : false,
"hasContingentValuesDefinition" : false,
"supportsAppend" : true,
"supportsCalculate" : true,
"supportsASyncCalculate" : true,
"supportsTruncate" : false,
"supportsAttachmentsByUploadId" : true,
"supportsAttachmentsResizing" : true,
"supportsRollbackOnFailureParameter" : true,
"supportsStatistics" : true,
"supportsExceedsLimitStatistics" : true,
"supportsAdvancedQueries" : true,
"supportsValidateSql" : true,
"supportsCoordinatesQuantization" : true,
"supportsLayerOverrides " : true,
"supportsTilesAndBasicQueriesMode" : true,
"supportsFieldDescriptionProperty" : true,
"supportsQuantizationEditMode" : true,
"supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds" : true,
"supportsReturningQueryGeometry" : true,
"advancedQueryCapabilities" : {
"supportsPagination" : true,
"supportsPaginationOnAggregatedQueries" : true,
"supportsQueryRelatedPagination" : true,
"supportsQueryWithDistance" : true,
"supportsReturningQueryExtent" : true,
"supportsStatistics" : true,
"supportsOrderBy" : true,
"supportsDistinct" : true,
"supportsQueryWithResultType" : true,
"supportsSqlExpression" : true,
"supportsAdvancedQueryRelated" : true,
"supportsCountDistinct" : true,
"supportsPercentileStatistics" : true,
"supportsQueryAttachments" : true,
"supportsReturningGeometryCentroid" : false,
"supportsQueryWithDatumTransformation" : true,
"supportsHavingClause" : true,
"supportsOutFieldSQLExpression" : true,
"supportsMaxRecordCountFactor" : true,
"supportsTopFeaturesQuery" : true,
"supportsDisjointSpatialRel" : true,
"supportsQueryWithCacheHint" : true,
"supportsQueryAttachmentsWithReturnUrl" : true,
"supportsQueryAnalytic" : true
"useStandardizedQueries" : true,
"geometryType" : "esriGeometryPoint",
"minScale" : 0,
"maxScale" : 0,
"extent" : {
"xmin" : -10064729.121092074,
"ymin" : 5558924.3042244306,
"xmax" : -10005952.429953229,
"ymax" : 5578801.8141854359,
"spatialReference" : {
"wkid" : 102100,
"latestWkid" : 3857
"allowGeometryUpdates" : true,
"hasAttachments" : true,

"attachmentProperties" : [
"name" : "id",
"fieldName" : "ATTACHMENTID",
"isEnabled" : true
"name" : "globalId",
"fieldName" : "AttachmentGlobalID",
"isEnabled" : true
"name" : "name",
"fieldName" : "ATT_NAME",
"isEnabled" : true
"name" : "size",
"fieldName" : "DATA_SIZE",
"isEnabled" : true
"name" : "contentType",
"fieldName" : "CONTENT_TYPE",
"isEnabled" : true
"name" : "keywords",
"fieldName" : "Keywords",
"isEnabled" : true
"name" : "exifInfo",
"fieldName" : "ExifInfo",
"isEnabled" : true
"htmlPopupType" : "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeNone",
"hasM" : false,
"hasZ" : false,
"objectIdField" : "OBJECTID",
"globalIdField" : "GlobalID",
"typeIdField" : "",
"fields" : [
"name" : "OBJECTID",
"type" : "esriFieldTypeOID",
"alias" : "OBJECTID",
"sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther",
"nullable" : false,
"editable" : false,
"visible" : true,
"domain" : null,
"defaultValue" : null
"name" : "GlobalID",
"type" : "esriFieldTypeGlobalID",
"alias" : "",
"sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther",
"length" : 38,
"nullable" : false,
"editable" : false,
"visible" : true,
"domain" : null,
"defaultValue" : null
"name" : "CreationDate",
"type" : "esriFieldTypeDate",
"alias" : "CreationDate",
"sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther",
"length" : 8,
"nullable" : true,
"editable" : false,
"visible" : true,
"domain" : null,
"defaultValue" : null
"name" : "Creator",
"type" : "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias" : "Creator",
"sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther",
"length" : 128,
"nullable" : true,
"editable" : false,
"visible" : true,
"domain" : null,
"defaultValue" : null
"name" : "EditDate",
"type" : "esriFieldTypeDate",
"alias" : "EditDate",
"sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther",
"length" : 8,
"nullable" : true,
"editable" : false,
"visible" : true,
"domain" : null,
"defaultValue" : null
"name" : "Editor",
"type" : "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias" : "Editor",
"sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther",
"length" : 128,
"nullable" : true,
"editable" : false,
"visible" : true,
"domain" : null,
"defaultValue" : null
"name" : "facid",
"type" : "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias" : "FacilityID",
"sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther",
"length" : 256,
"nullable" : true,
"editable" : true,
"visible" : true,
"domain" : null,
"defaultValue" : null
"name" : "Comments",
"type" : "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias" : "Comments",
"sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther",
"length" : 256,
"nullable" : true,
"editable" : true,
"visible" : true,
"domain" : null,
"defaultValue" : null
"indexes" : [
"name" : "GlobalID_Index",
"fields" : "GlobalID",
"isAscending" : false,
"isUnique" : true,
"description" : ""
"name" : "user_42239.rrtestv5_POINT_LAYER_Shape_sidx",
"fields" : "Shape",
"isAscending" : false,
"isUnique" : false,
"description" : "Shape Index"
"name" : "PK__rrtestv5__F4B70D855C3DCA2D",
"fields" : "OBJECTID",
"isAscending" : true,
"isUnique" : true,
"description" : "clustered, unique, primary key"
"name" : "CreationDateIndex",
"fields" : "CreationDate",
"isAscending" : true,
"isUnique" : false,
"description" : "CreationDate Field index"
"name" : "CreatorIndex",
"fields" : "Creator",
"isAscending" : false,
"isUnique" : false,
"description" : "Creator Field index"
"name" : "EditDateIndex",
"fields" : "EditDate",
"isAscending" : true,
"isUnique" : false,
"description" : "EditDate Field index"
"name" : "EditorIndex",
"fields" : "Editor",
"isAscending" : false,
"isUnique" : false,
"description" : "Editor Field index"
"dateFieldsTimeReference" : {
"timeZone" : "UTC",
"respectsDaylightSaving" : false
"preferredTimeReference" : null,
"types" : [],
"templates" : [
"name" : "New Feature",
"description" : "",
"drawingTool" : "esriFeatureEditToolPoint",
"prototype" : {
"attributes" : {
"facid" : null,
"Comments" : null
"supportedQueryFormats" : "JSON, geoJSON, PBF",
"supportedAppendFormats" : "sqlite,gpkg,shapefile,filegdb,featureCollection,geojson,csv,excel,imageCollection",
"supportedExportFormats" : "csv,shapefile,sqlite,gpkg,filegdb,featureCollection,geojson,excel",
"supportedContingentValuesFormats" : "JSON, PBF",
"hasStaticData" : false,
"maxRecordCount" : 2000,
"standardMaxRecordCount" : 32000,
"standardMaxRecordCountNoGeometry" : 32000,
"tileMaxRecordCount" : 8000,
"maxRecordCountFactor" : 1,
"capabilities" : "Create,Delete,Query,Update,Editing,Sync",
"exceedsLimitFactor" : 1
"adminLayerInfo" : {
"tableName" : "db_42239.user_42239.rrtestv5_RRTESTV5T2", "geometryField" : null,
"xssTrustedFields" : ""
"id" : 1,
"enableUseOfScaleOutReplicasWhenEditable" : true,
"name" : "rrtestv5t2",
"type" : "Table",
"displayField" : "",
"description" : "",
"copyrightText" : "",
"defaultVisibility" : true,
"editingInfo" : {
"lastEditDate" : 1629314788379
"relationships" : [
"id" : 1,
"name" : "myRel",
"relatedTableId" : 0,
"cardinality" : "esriRelCardinalityOneToMany",
"role" : "esriRelRoleDestination",
"keyField" : "GUIDID",
"composite" : true
"isDataVersioned" : false,
"hasContingentValuesDefinition" : false,
"supportsAppend" : true,
"supportsCalculate" : true,
"supportsASyncCalculate" : true,
"supportsTruncate" : false,
"supportsAttachmentsByUploadId" : true,
"supportsAttachmentsResizing" : true,
"supportsRollbackOnFailureParameter" : true,
"supportsStatistics" : true,
"supportsExceedsLimitStatistics" : true,
"supportsAdvancedQueries" : true,
"supportsValidateSql" : true,
"supportsCoordinatesQuantization" : true,
"supportsLayerOverrides " : true,
"supportsTilesAndBasicQueriesMode" : true,
"supportsFieldDescriptionProperty" : true,
"supportsQuantizationEditMode" : true,
"supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds" : true,
"advancedQueryCapabilities" : {
"supportsPagination" : true,
"supportsPaginationOnAggregatedQueries" : true,
"supportsQueryRelatedPagination" : true,
"supportsQueryWithDistance" : true,
"supportsReturningQueryExtent" : true,
"supportsStatistics" : true,
"supportsOrderBy" : true,
"supportsDistinct" : true,
"supportsQueryWithResultType" : true,
"supportsSqlExpression" : true,
"supportsAdvancedQueryRelated" : true,
"supportsCountDistinct" : true,
"supportsPercentileStatistics" : true,
"supportsReturningGeometryCentroid" : false,
"supportsQueryWithDatumTransformation" : true,
"supportsHavingClause" : true,
"supportsOutFieldSQLExpression" : true,
"supportsMaxRecordCountFactor" : true,
"supportsTopFeaturesQuery" : true,
"supportsQueryWithCacheHint" : true,
"supportsQueryAnalytic" : true
"useStandardizedQueries" : true,
"allowGeometryUpdates" : true,
"hasAttachments" : false,
"htmlPopupType" : "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeNone",
"hasM" : false,
"hasZ" : false,
"globalIdField" : "globalid",
"typeIdField" : "",
"fields" : [
"name" : "objectid",
"type" : "esriFieldTypeOID",
"alias" : "ObjectID",
"sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther",
"nullable" : false,
"editable" : false,
"visible" : true,
"domain" : null,
"defaultValue" : null
"name" : "globalid",
"type" : "esriFieldTypeGlobalID",
"alias" : "GlobalID",
"sqlType" : "sqlTypeGUID",
"length" : 38,
"nullable" : false,
"editable" : false,
"visible" : true,
"domain" : null,
"defaultValue" : null
"name" : "FACILITYID",
"type" : "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias" : "Facility ID",
"sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther",
"length" : 50,
"nullable" : true,
"editable" : true,
"visible" : true,
"domain" : null,
"defaultValue" : null
"name" : "DATE",
"type" : "esriFieldTypeDate",
"alias" : "Date",
"sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther",
"length" : 255,
"nullable" : true,
"editable" : true,
"visible" : true,
"domain" : null,
"defaultValue" : null
"name" : "INSPECTOR",
"type" : "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias" : "Inspector",
"sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther",
"length" : 50,
"nullable" : true,
"editable" : true,
"visible" : true,
"domain" : null,
"defaultValue" : null
"name" : "CONDITION",
"type" : "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias" : "Condition",
"sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther",
"length" : 50,
"nullable" : true,
"editable" : true,
"visible" : true,
"domain" :
"type" : "codedValue",
"name" : "cvd_CONDITION",
"codedValues" : [
"name" : "Excellent",
"code" : "Excellent"
"name" : "Very Good",
"code" : "Very Good"
"name" : "Good",
"code" : "Good"
"name" : "Fair",
"code" : "Fair"
"name" : "Poor",
"code" : "Poor"
"name" : "Very Poor",
"code" : "Very Poor"
"name" : "Unknown",
"code" : "Unknown"
"defaultValue" : null
"name" : "COMMENTS",
"type" : "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias" : "Comments",
"sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther",
"length" : 1000,
"nullable" : true,
"editable" : true,
"visible" : true,
"domain" : null,
"defaultValue" : null
"name" : "GUIDID",
"type" : "esriFieldTypeGUID",
"alias" : "GUID",
"sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther",
"length" : 38,
"nullable" : true,
"editable" : true,
"visible" : true,
"domain" : null,
"defaultValue" : null
"name" : "CreationDate",
"type" : "esriFieldTypeDate",
"alias" : "CreationDate",
"sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther",
"length" : 8,
"nullable" : true,
"editable" : false,
"visible" : true,
"domain" : null,
"defaultValue" : null
"name" : "Creator",
"type" : "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias" : "Creator",
"sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther",
"length" : 128,
"nullable" : true,
"editable" : false,
"visible" : true,
"domain" : null,
"defaultValue" : null
"name" : "EditDate",
"type" : "esriFieldTypeDate",
"alias" : "EditDate",
"sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther",
"length" : 8,
"nullable" : true,
"editable" : false,
"visible" : true,
"domain" : null,
"defaultValue" : null
"name" : "Editor",
"type" : "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias" : "Editor",
"sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther",
"length" : 128,
"nullable" : true,
"editable" : false,
"visible" : true,
"domain" : null,
"defaultValue" : null
"indexes" : [
"name" : "UK_rrtestv5_RRTESTV5T2_globalid",
"fields" : "globalid",
"isAscending" : true,
"isUnique" : true,
"description" : "nonclustered, unique"
"name" : "PK__rrtestv5__5242E6323C0B1297",
"fields" : "objectid",
"isAscending" : true,
"isUnique" : true,
"description" : "clustered, unique, primary key"
"dateFieldsTimeReference" : {
"timeZone" : "UTC",
"respectsDaylightSaving" : false
"preferredTimeReference" : null,
"types" : [],
"templates" : [],
"supportedQueryFormats" : "JSON, geoJSON, PBF",
"supportedAppendFormats" : "sqlite,gpkg,shapefile,filegdb,featureCollection,geojson,csv,excel",
"supportedExportFormats" : "csv,shapefile,sqlite,gpkg,filegdb,featureCollection,geojson,excel",
"supportedContingentValuesFormats" : "JSON, PBF",
"hasStaticData" : false,
"maxRecordCount" : 2000,
"standardMaxRecordCount" : 32000,
"tileMaxRecordCount" : 8000,
"maxRecordCountFactor" : 1,
"capabilities" : "Create,Delete,Query,Update,Editing,Sync",
"exceedsLimitFactor" : 1


0 Kudos
Emerging Contributor

QGIS now supports this a bit better, this blog details it.

0 Kudos