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Adding a table in ArcGIS Online map/app pop-up

06-20-2014 11:35 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

I'm a planner and GIS coordinator for a small MPO and I was wondering if it was at all possible to input a table into a pop-up.  We fund several transportation projects that have funding tables and per federal regulation we have to include those figures within the Transportation Improvement Program.  I've tried attaching an image of each funding table but they are too small to read.  Any formatting suggestions that would allow me to have a somewhat usable funding table in a pop-up?
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5 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
The only way I can think of is to prove a URL in a column of your layer that points to a table. However the tabular data would not appear in the popup, but just a link to the table, which would appear in a separate browser tab (e.g., if you loaded the table in google docs).

We are working on the ability to display related tables. This will be released in July with our next update. You will need to add the layer and table to ArcMap, set up a relationship between the two, then publish it to ArcGIS Online or your own ArcGIS Server.  If you have a one to one relationship, the related data can show up in the popup. If you have one to many relationship, then the related records will appear in a table, as the popup doesn't display multiple records.


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Deactivated User

Hi Mike,

I am eager to have the ability to use related tables in ArcGIS Online.  Any idea if it is close to fruition?



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Frequent Contributor

I'm looking at a related table in AGOL right now. So I guess it might work... You can't edit the table or the feature in a map service(obviously), but you can only edit the feature, without being able to see the table in a feature service... So it's not perfect.

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Regular Contributor

I'm creating a bus-schedule app in AGOL and am putting both a photo of each bus stop AND a cropped screen-shot of a table in Excel of the schedule for each stop.  So there's two available pics in each pop-up (1 of the table).  So, it's not really a table, but it works.

If you want to see it in a prototype, open this map, and go to the farthest stop West (to the left).

-Tom Bell

Hickory, NC

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MVP Honored Contributor

This is an old thread but I have had some success with editing the custom pop up and entering in HTML to make a table.

Here are directions on how to configure the custom popup:

Crafting custom attribute displays in pop-ups | ArcGIS Blog 

And here is a real brief table example using HTML:

HTML table tag 

Here is a small example of a table I made in ArcGIS Online: