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Accessing joined table fields in Arcade scripts

06-08-2018 01:17 PM
New Contributor

I have a layer with some attributes and a table joined with it which has additional fields. I want to access the joined table fields in pop-up design in my Webmap but the joined table fields doesn't appear in "configure attributes" or "Attributes Expression" windows. The Arcade guide page says it would be possible using $feature["joinKey.fieldName"] format and I tried it but it didn't work and the parser says that it could not find the field.

The relation between layer and table is defined to be 1-to-many, could it be the cause? (I doubt because it says it could not find the field). Did anyone implement a joined relationship in pop-up window design scripts?


3 Replies
Esri Alum

Hi Shahriar Shah Heydari‌,

This capability isn't available through Arcade in ArcGIS Online currently. We are working on some projects to better support joins in upcoming releases of the software. Currently you will need to create a layer with all of the available fields in order to include them in a pop-up. 


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Frequent Contributor

Hi Kelly-

Is this still the case for the current version of AGO?



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Esri Esteemed Contributor

You can access related table data using the FeatureSetBy* and Filter funtions