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10 Initial Questions

04-24-2014 05:13 AM
Deactivated User

I saw your presentation at the Fed conference a couple months ago in Washington DC.

I am very eager to use ArcGIS Open Data for the NCI if possible.

A couple things I noticed. Many of which might be problems because I don't know exactly how this new feature works and/or because it is still in beta.

So please pardon the stupid questions.

1. I set up an open data site:

2. We set up this web site using this group:

3. When I load up the open data web site, if I try to search in my open data web site for the item, then search doesn't work, it says 1 datasets found but I can�??t see any results.

4. To see the open data data, I have to click on recent items.

5. When you add an item to the group for open data, do you have to add it at the layer level or can you do add it at the service level as well?

6. When I click on the open data tab in the edit settings menu of agol, then this url comes up (before the configure site button is hit).
this web site only defaults back to:

Maybe that's because this is still in beta?

7. does it matter if my organization agol is running SSL? I know Community Analyst doesn't work since we are running SSL.

8. I notice in the popup window aliases are not used but in the feature details area they are. I would like them to be used in the popup.

9. Same with the table column names, I would rather the aliases be used than field names.

10. I noticed this error when I tried to down the data to a spreadsheet (it's only 51 records - US States plus DC).
The file is larger than the beta download limit. Your download will contain the first 0 records.

Thanks again for this great new idea, we are looking forward to utilizing it. If you would like to discuss offline, I would be happy to.

James Cucinelli
Tags (2)
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6 Replies
Emerging Contributor
Thanks for the detailed information James!

I don't have point-by-point answers for you right now, but I can say that at this point, the indexing system used by Open Data does not (yet) support services using custom projections, and this is causing a cascade of issues that result in many of the oddities you are seeing.

We are actively working on adding support for custom projections (1.0 release), updating the documentation to add this (beta) limitation clear, as well as a means to inform the Open Data admin of the datasets that have been added to the search index for a site and a listing of those which could not be added for whatever reason (i.e. custom projection at this point).

In the near term - can you publish your map in a standard Esri projection? i.e. one that does not use a projection string? It does not have to be web mercator (aka wkid 3857)

Hope that helps!

Dave Bouwman
Javascript Developer
Open Data Team
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Deactivated User

Thanks for the quick response.

I will try and report back.

James Cucinelli
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Frequent Contributor
We use the 'NAD_1983_HARN_StatePlane_Oregon_North_FIPS_3601_Feet_Intl' projection. 

Will this work for the indexing?

0 Kudos
Emerging Contributor
We use the 'NAD_1983_HARN_StatePlane_Oregon_North_FIPS_3601_Feet_Intl' projection. 

Will this work for the indexing?



I'm not sure, but here is how you can tell if it will work:

Go to the rest endpoint for your layer (i.e., and if it reports the projection with a simple number like 102100, 4326 etc, then Open Data can ingest it cleanly. If it shows a long projection string like:


then we currently can not.

Hope that helps!

Dave Bouwman
Javascript Developer
Open Data Team
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Deactivated User

5. When you add an item to the group for open data, do you have to add it at the layer level or can you do add it at the service level as well?

You add items (services) to the open data group and we surface all the layers in that item as datasets in your open data site.

9. Same with the table column names, I would rather the aliases be used than field names.

10. I noticed this error when I tried to down the data to a spreadsheet (it's only 51 records - US States plus DC).
The file is larger than the beta download limit. Your download will contain the first 0 records.

These are both issues of which we are aware. The column names is fairly low priority at this point but the bogus download limit should be addressed soon.
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Deactivated User
Thank you for all of the followup.

I tried a new service with the web mercator Spatial Reference: 3395  (3395) .

It worked much better. The search started to work which is helpful.

I will keep working on my beta site.

James Cucinelli
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